Event mobile apps can do wonders for your company’s next event.
Event Mobile apps have always been considered as a tool where attendees would need to put in an extra effort and many clients tend to shy away from that.
Events as a marketing medium have come a long way from when they first started and through constant re-invention, it begs to ask the question, is it really that much to ask from the attendees for them to download the app?
From our experience, mobile apps have helped our clients not only strengthen their rapport with attendees ( Most importantly clients ) but they have added a measurable boost to the overall ROI from organizing any event.
This is of course only one way of looking at it, there are many low tech ways to engage your attendees which also provide a similar output. But as they always say, basis your event, you need to pick what suits you best.
In this post, we try to list down a few advantages you can gain through having your event supported by a mobile application.
Virtual Environment for your event.

Mobile App Blog Pegasus Events Pvt Ltd
With the competitive and aggressive growth of M-Commerce , people in general have gotten used to getting information and getting things done at the tap of a button. The days where people preferred to be called are long gone !
An event-specific mobile application, allows you to create a virtual event environment which helps you put your event in the digital space.
This not only helps you build a hype before the event and leading up to it but allows you the opportunity to post all event related information to that app which goes out to them as notifications, thus giving them a one-stop access to all they need to know.
Its a lot better than sending in an email and following up, of-course, those are a necessity wherever needed.
Use social media to your advantage

Social Media Integration – Mobile Application blog Pegasus Events Pvt Ltd
Research suggests, that 95% of smartphone users spend an average of 2 hours per day browsing social media. We are guessing the remaining 5 % didn’t fill out the questionnaire when the survey was conducted.
Hence, it can be concluded quite easily that most, if not all, of your attendees love spending time on social media, it is only fitting that companies leverage this advantage to build an even stronger base with their attendees.
An event mobile application can allow you to integrate with all social media platforms, thus creating a PQ (Popularity quotient ) for your event and it being shared at least among the people who matter the most.
This can be used to share photos, discussions, getting your company #hashtag to trend within your community. Basically anything that social media allows can be used to your advantage.
Post Event Continuity – Keeping the conversation going!

Post event continuity – Mobile Application Blog – Pegasus Events Pvt Ltd
So you have managed to run a successful event, created an annual franchise which you promised your audience can look forward to an even better version of in the coming years.
But what about the customer engagement in between now and the next event?
Event mobile applications can be hosted for however long they are required. This can be used to not only share and upload event photos and hashtags to, it can actually be used to run contests, provide updates and company news and to eventually create an event specific community which will only become stronger.
This can mean only one thing. MORE BUSINESS MORE RETURNS!
There is a lot more which can be done through a mobile application and the above-mentioned advantages are just the tip of the iceberg.
For best practices to effectively engage your event audience, read customer engagement through events revisited.
It is advisable however to have a specialized agency such as us managing content and maintenance of the application so that you can spend quality time engaging your audience in healthy conversations!