These little known event planning essentials make all the difference between success and failure.
Event planning can get chaotic! There are a lot of details to look in to, Luckily there are a few key essentials which make your life as a client easier. We can help you figure those.
More often than not, hosting an event is a tedious task if you also shoulder other work responsibilities. To make things easier there are some key essentials that will help smoothen things out.
The objective of the event
Understanding the Why is the most important aspect of the event. Basis what you aim to get out of doing the event the rest of your plan falls in place. If there is a wee bit of chaos where that is concerned the domino effect of the same can be felt in all the other connecting links within the planning process.
Budget planning must have a clear cut definition of the investment as against the ROI expected. The options available for corporations to appease their audiences are huge in number and having a clear idea of the spend as against the objective of the event is the stepping stone for planning any event. It creates a funnel process which helps filter out the wants from the needs and helps put things in perspective.
Day/ Date
This is an obvious one, however, the reason it features here is that there are certain things you must keep in mind while finalizing the date and day for your event. In India at least, there are many festivals which tend to impact attendance. Friday’s are usually the most preferred if you hope to attract a corporate audience. The date must be one which doesn’t coincide with quarterly plans that your client companies may have.
Making sure you have enough time to plan your event is the most important.
Selecting a venue which suits your needs has to factor in certain parameters. For example, at Pegasus Events, our venue selection process does not only factor in the quality of the hotel or the number of rooms but also factors in the objective of the event and whether or not the banquet can compliment that objective. Cost-effectiveness is a must and we recommend venue where we can extend that advantage to our clients as well.
Event Managers
Choosing an experienced and professional event manager is of utmost importance and can make or break your event. Your event management company is responsible for turnkey production and management of your entire event. This includes not only the production, but it also includes guest management, show running and console and conceptualization and design. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for a client to gauge quality through the estimates received, hence it is even more critical for clients to address all doubts candidly and highlight all expectations as vividly as possible.
Production and the other tangible parts of the conference or any other meeting are just incidentals which are a part of any event, the actual planning is to make sure risk is minimized and return is maximized.